The WRP Regional Strategy 2018 articulates long-term goals and specific implementation strategies to guide the efforts of the WRP and its partners. Building on a decade of new research data and tools, and a growing momentum to address climate change and to protect and restore resilient and dynamic ecosystems, the WRP has updated the Regional Strategy that was developed in 2001.
The 2001 Regional Strategy was developed through a multi-year planning process involving all the WRP partners, including the Science Advisory Panel and County Task Forces. As such, the Strategy articulated a shared vision that each partner – at the federal, state, and local level – could turn to for guidance in how to manage staff effort, direct resources, and measure progress. However, the original Regional Strategy did not include climate change science or quantitative objectives that could be tracked for success overtime.
The Regional Strategy 2018 will guide wetland restoration for the WRP over the next few decades using scientifically-based, quantitative objectives that will improve wetland resilience to climate change and other stressors. These objectives will help guide all levels of stakeholders in the wetlands community from resource agencies to funders to restoration practitioners in designing projects, reviewing project proposals, and making funding decisions.
This effort is funded by the California State Coastal Conservancy, the U.S. EPA Wetland Program Development Grant, the USFWS Landscape Conservation Cooperative program, and NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science Center, Ecological Effects of Sea Level Rise Program.

Complete Report, High Resolution (70 MB)
Complete Report, Low Resolution (10 MB)
Download individual appendices:
Appendix 1: Coastal Wetland Ecosystem Services
Appendix 2: Wetland Classification
Appendix 3: Sea Level Rise Impacts to Coastal Habitats in Southern California Estuaries
Appendix 4: Methods for Developing Goal 1 Objectives
Appendix 5: Considerations for Management of the Mouth State of California’s Bar-built estuaries
Appendix 6: Intermittently Open Estuaries: Science & Management Perspectives Workshop Notes
Appendix 7: Salt Flats in Southern California Coastal Wetlands
Appendix 8: Shallow Subtidal Habitats in Coastal Wetlands
Appendix 9: Transition Zone Background & Methodology
Appendix 10: Living Shorelines in Southern California
Appendix 11: Matrices of Flooding and Marsh Evolution
Appendix 12: The Channel Islands