Coyote Creek Watershed Plan

This project prepared a Watershed Management Plan for Coyote Creek, a tributary to the San Gabriel River. The Coyote Creek Watershed Management Plan (Plan) provides a blueprint for improving the health of the watershed through multi-objective projects, policies and site design guidelines. This plan takes a more systematic approach by considering total watershed functioning for … Continued

Hazard Park Wetlands Restoration Concept Plan

This project conducted technical studies and developed detailed designs for restoration of one-half mile of creek corridor and enhancement of existing wetland habitat in Hazard Park in the City of Los Angeles. Plans intend to restore streambed in one of Los Angeles City’s oldest parks. The 25-acre Hazard Park, named after Henry Thomas Hazard who … Continued

Ballona Wetlands Acquisition

This project acquired properties within the Ballona Wetlands complex from willing sellers. This new acquisition totaled the protected area to around 600 acres of wetlands. The purchase initiated talks of formal, comprehensive restoration plan by the Coastal Conservancy for the newly-protected wetlands. The Ballona Wetlands once stretched across 1,500 acres, but as Los Angeles and … Continued

Topanga Creek Restoration Program

This project removed the Rodeo Grounds berm and restored riparian habitat in Topanga Creek. Berm removal resulted in 3000 linear feet of connectivity critical for migrating steelhead trout, as well as invasive species removal and establishment of native wetland and riparian communities on over 12 acres of floodplain. Snorkel surveys after restoration revealed trout ranging … Continued

Topanga Lagoon Restoration Technical Assessments

This project completed technical assessments for restoration of Topanga Lagoon based on conceptual plans in Topanga Lagoon and a Watershed Restoration Feasibility Study. The project generated integrated and comprehensive planning that incorporated all the important goals identified in the Topanga State Park General Plan and built on previously completed work, generating additional technical studies, stakeholder … Continued

Topanga Lagoon and Watershed Restoration Feasibility Study

This project involved integrative and comprehensive planning that incorporated goals identified in the Topanga State Park General Plan and built on previously completed work while also requiring additional technical studies, stakeholder involvement, and coordinated design. The Facilities Management Plan process had been identified as the next step towards establishing clear property lines, responsibilities and interests … Continued

Upper Zuniga Road Acquisitions

This project acquired approximately 120 acres in the Upper Topanga watershed including Zuniga Pond, a man-made pond near Upper Zuniga Road, to protect western pond turtle habitat, a state-listed species of special concern. This acquisition permanently protects both the northern section of unique rock formations and the historic pond containing a regionally significant population of … Continued

Tuna Canyon SEA Acquisition

This project acquired approximately 417 acres of land at the lower end of Tuna Canyon to protect a perennial spring and well-developed riparian habitat. Tuna Canyon Park as a whole preserves 1,255 acres in the mountains between Topanga and Malibu and links over 18,000 acres of contiguous protected open space from Topanga State Park west … Continued

Cold Creek Riparian Acquisitions: Part 1

This project acquired 71.5 acres of upland and riparian habitat along Cold Creek, a tributary to Malibu Creek. Cold Creek Preserve is located in the north central flank of the Santa Monica Mountains and owned by The Mountains Restoration Trust. Cold Creek is one of the few perennial water systems in the area, and is … Continued

Cross Creek Road Fish Passage

This project replaced the Cross Creek Road Arizona crossing of Malibu Creek, which blocked steelhead passage, with a one-lane bridge. Malibu Creek is a year-round stream in western Los Angeles County, California. It drains the southern Conejo Valley and Simi Hills, flowing south through the Santa Monica Mountains, and enters Santa Monica Bay in Malibu, … Continued

Las Flores Creek Restoration

This project restored approximately one half miles of Las Flores Creek in Malibu, including exotic plant removal, bank stabilization, and riparian habitat enhancement. The restoration of Las Flores Creek Park is designed as an environmentally beneficial project. So, in addition to the extensive habitat and floodplain restoration, all efforts are geared to reducing environmental impact: … Continued

Malibu Lagoon Restoration and Enhancement

This project restored and enhanced the ecological structure and function of Malibu Lagoon by increasing circulation and enhancing wetland habitat. Significant impairments currently exist at the lagoon primarily due to uncontrolled inflow of water from outside of its boundaries contributing pollutants and nutrients to the system, and poor circulation within its boundaries. The water management … Continued