Big Canyon Creek Restoration and Estuary Adaptation Project: Phase 2 Planning

Big Canyon Creek is one of the few perennial streams that discharge to Upper Newport Bay in Orange County. Big Canyon Creek has experienced substantial watershed impacts such as channel incision, loss of floodplain areas, unstable riverbanks, poor water quality, infestation of riparian vegetation by the Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer (PSHB), and aggressive encroachment of … Continued

Matilija Dam Ecosystem Restoration Program: 65% design & permitting

Matilija Dam, located on the Ventura River, is a 168-foot high concrete arch dam built in 1947 for water storage. The reservoir behind Matilija Dam is almost filled in with sediment, significantly reducing storage capacity to the point of rendering the dam nonfunctional. With no fish ladder or bypass structure present, it is a complete … Continued

Ormond Beach Wetlands: Sod Farm Acquisition, Part 2

This project aims to acquire the 561 acre Southland Sod Farm for inclusion in the Ormond Beach wetlands. The property is the largest and most critical acquisition remaining to be secured before efforts can begin to restore one of the largest coastal wetland complexes in Southern California. Historically, the Ormond Beach area contained a diverse … Continued

Loma Alta Slough Wetlands Enhancement Project – Phase 2 Implementation

Loma Alta Slough is a small creek mouth estuary in the City of Oceanside, the third largest coastal City in San Diego County. Intermittently tidal estuaries such as the Loma Alta Slough provide unique habitats for coastally-dependent species, such as the endangered tidewater goby, but the estuary must be in healthy condition to maintain these … Continued

Upper Newport Bay and Alamitos Bay Living Shoreline Project

Newport Bay and Alamitos Bay are both highly impacted and urbanized estuaries located in Orange County in Southern California. Historical documents indicate the presence of native Olympia oyster (Ostrea lurida) beds and extensive eelgrass beds in the two estuaries, but a history of urbanization, harvest, and dredging has several impacted the two species. Additionally, increased … Continued

San Diego Bay Native Oyster Living Shoreline

San Diego Bay was historically a shallow water system composed of significant intertidal habitat. However, decades of dredging and channelization have resulted in a loss of 42 percent of San Diego Bay’s shallow subtidal habitat and 84 percent of its intertidal mudflat habitat since the late 1800’s. These modifications and associated shoreline armoring have resulted … Continued

Riparian Restoration at the Sespe Cienega

The project will implement the restoration plan for a large wetland and riparian complex along the Santa Clara River, a significant coastal river in southern California that still retains its natural hydrology and provides critical habitat for endangered species including least Bell’s vireo, Southwest willow flycatcher, and steelhead trout. The project location is the site … Continued

Mission Creek Fish Passage Enhancement Project

The project implemented fish passage improvements in lower Mission Creek in Santa Barbara. The City modified the lower concrete flood control channel to improve conditions for Southern California steelhead to migrate upstream to access year-round water with suitable spawning habitat in the upper watershed.

Sweetwater Marsh Restoration

The Sweetwater Marsh Restoration and Enhancement Plan proposes to improve the overall habitat value within the Sweetwater Marsh Unit of the San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge