Tijuana Estuary Tidal Restoration Program II: Phase I restoration design

Location: San Diego County

Project Type: Restoration Planning

Status: Current

Cost: $1,095,000

Funding Gap: $200,000

Area Affected: 100 acres

Assembly District: 78

Senate District: 40

Congressional District: 51

Project Lead/Grantee:
Southwest Wetlands Interpretive Association: Mayda Winter

The Tijuana Estuary Tidal Restoration Program II (TETRP II): Phase I Design is the first phase of a multi-phase restoration of the southern arm of Tijuana Estuary, San Diego County, California. TETRP II Phase I builds upon the conceptual restoration plan developed for the Tijuana Estuary – Friendship Marsh Restoration Feasibility and Design Study.

The Tijuana Estuary has been degraded by historic land uses and excess sedimentation, but includes remnant intertidal marsh, salt-pannes, mulefat scrub and sinuous slough channels. Several unique habitats exist in the immediate vicinity of the proposed project site, including fresh and saltwater wetlands, dunes, and maritime succulent scrub.

The TETRP II Phase I project has been designed to restore approximately 80 acres of salt marsh, mudflat, tidal channel, transitional and upland habitats that have been degraded over the past several decades, and to increase the tidal prism of the estuary. The current phase of the project includes final design, engineering and permitting for the restoration.