Solstice Canyon Acquisition

This project aims to acquire 325 target acres in the upper Solstice Canyon watershed of the Santa Monica Mountains. The ultimate goal of this project, in combination with others, is to complete continuous parkland ownership between the upper and lower reaches of Solstice Creek. Acquisition of 117 acres had already been completed to date.

Serrano Creek Stabilization & Restoration Phase II: Reach 2 & 3

This project aimed to stabilize the creek beds and banks of Serrano Creek, to restore riparian habitat, and to reduce sediment loadings to Newport Bay. Serrano Creek has undergone substantial erosion in recent years due to changes in the watershed. Serrano Creek, a coastal stream corridor, is a tributary of San Diego Creek draining an … Continued

Sepulveda Basin Plan

This project will undertake a cooperative planning effort for the rehabilitation of the Los Angeles River in the Sepulveda Basin, with the ultimate goal of utilizing bioengineered bank stabilization methods for streambank revegetation along nearly a mile of soft-bottom stream. The project will include a detailed reach and site scale engineering and ecological analysis, a … Continued

Santiago Creek Arundo Control and Habitat Restoration

This project will remove approximately 140 acres of Arundo donax and associated invasive species to recover native habitat and wildlife in three areas of Orange County’s Santa Ana River Watershed. This effort will further Orange County’s restoration efforts in Santiago Creek, Carbon Creek, and the lower Santa Ana Canyon. The Santa Ana Watershed Association has … Continued

Santa Clara River Parkway Acquisitions

The Santa Clara River Parkway project was authorized by the Coastal Conservancy Board to acquire and restore the river from the estuary to the Ventura County line. The project also includes a continuous trail for the 35 mile length. With its partner the Nature Conservancy, the Coastal Conservancy has acquired 19 properties, 3,400 acres, and … Continued

McGrath State Beach – Wetlands Restoration and Campground Relocation

The California Department of Parks and Recreation (State Parks) proposes expansion and enhancement of the Santa Clara River Estuary (SCRE) and relocation of the McGrath State Beach Campground as part of the McGrath State Beach Wetlands Restoration and Campground Relocation Project. The proposed project is located within McGrath State Beach, which is made up of … Continued

Rio Hondo/Upper San Gabriel River Watershed Arundo Eradication Program

The Rio Hondo/Upper San Gabriel River Watershed Arundo Eradication Program will remove 48 acres of Arundo donax from the San Gabriel River and Rio Hondo at and above Whittier Narrows. Monitoring follow-up on treatment efficacy, missed invasives, and resprouts will continue past initial treatment for a total project duration of five years. Site surveillance will … Continued

San Elijo Lagoon Restoration Planning and Engineering

The San Elijo Lagoon Ecological Reserve spans across 979-acres in the city of Encinitas and hosts over 700 species of plants and wildlife, including some rare and endangered species. Although the lagoon is supporting important ecosystem functions and wildlife, it is also experiencing severe human pressures. The hydrology of the lagoon over the years has … Continued

Upper Santa Ysabel Creek Tree of Heaven Eradication Project

Since its introduction early in the last century, tree of heaven has grown to great density in select areas of this creek section, outcompeting and crowding out native riparian plants. Field staff from the County of San Diego Department of Parks and Recreation have worked intermittently over the past decade to treat this invasive species … Continued

San Diego Canyon Wetlands Restoration Project

As part of a multi-phased plan to restore all stream corridor wetlands within the City of San Diego, the San Diego Canyon Wetlands Restoration Project will produce Canyon Enhancement Action Plans for 1,234 acres of wetlands and canyon slopes and 82,600 feet of stream corridors in nine urban canyons.The focus of this project are primarily … Continued

Riparian Enhancement at Audubon Starr Ranch Sanctuary

This project will implement an innovative, ecosystem scale approach to enhancement efforts in Bell Creek, an important riparian corridor within the San Juan Creek Watershed at the 4,000-acre Audubon Starr Ranch Sanctuary. Project leaders will conduct riparian wildlife monitoring that might serve as a model for a new “hybrid ecosystem” approach which uses wildlife as … Continued

Rose Creek Watershed Opportunities Assessment Implementation

This project will implement recommendations of the Rose Creek Watershed Opportunities Assessment including completing a watershed-wide hydrologic study, planning for creation of wetlands at the mouth of Rose Creek, and designing trail linkages. The watershed assessment compiled existing information about the watershed and identification of gaps in information, identified current management practices in the watershed, … Continued