Location: Ventura County
Project Type: Restoration, Restoration Planning
Status: Current
Cost: $14,440,000
Funding Gap: $7,168,000
Area Affected: 40 acres
Assembly District: 44
Senate District: 19
Congressional District: 26
Project Lead/Grantee:
California State Parks, Amy Schuessler (amy.schuessler@parks.ca.gov)
The California Department of Parks and Recreation (State Parks) proposes expansion and enhancement of the Santa Clara River Estuary (SCRE) and relocation of the McGrath State Beach Campground as part of the McGrath State Beach Wetlands Restoration and Campground Relocation Project. The proposed project is located within McGrath State Beach, which is made up of the SCRE, an existing campground, an adjacent coastal dune and uplands area, beach areas, and McGrath Lake. The project site consists of the SCRE, existing campground, and the adjacent coastal dune/uplands area. The restoration project site is situated within a larger study area for full project design and potential effects that also includes the adjacent Santa Clara River channel and beach front. The project would involve converting a portion of the existing campground to a wetlands restoration area (such that it would become part of the SCRE to the north) and relocating a portion of the existing campground to the adjacent dunes/upland area to the south. The restoration and development aspects of this project are intricately linked, and therefore the boundary of each component will be defined through the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) process and consultation with regulatory agencies.