Work Plan Pre-Application Meetings
The Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project (WRP) has developed a series of permit pre-application meetings for our Work Plan project proponents to help streamline the permitting process for wetland restoration. Each project proponent is granted two permit pre-application meetings attended by all relevant regulatory agencies and organized/facilitated by the California State Coastal Conservancy.
Sand in the Gears
Following the February 27, 2020 WRP Director’s Group (DiG) meeting the WRP Wetland Managers Group, at the request of the DiG, put together a brief description of some of the common policy conflicts between agencies that have resulted in a slow-down in the permitting process for voluntary (i.e., non-mitigation) restoration projects. You can access the Sand in the Gears document here.
Other Resources
Sustainable Conservation’s Essential Guide for Accelerated Restoration Permitting organizes a list of accelerated permitting pathways with relevant information on permits, agencies, eligibility, and benefits. You can find a link to this table on Sustainable Conservation’s Tools and Resources for Accelerated Restoration Permitting website.