San Juan Creek Estuary Restoration and Enhancement Project

  The San Juan Creek Estuary Restoration and Enhancement Planning Project entails the planning and future implementation of estuarine and riparian habitat restoration and enhancement activities to address limiting factors to southern steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and tidewater goby (Eucyclogobius newberryi) migration within the San Juan Creek estuary and lower watershed such as lack of … Continued

Sweetwater Marsh Community Wetlands Restoration Project

The Living Coast Discovery Center (LCDC) engaged community volunteers to enhance three acres of wetland habitat the Sweetwater Marsh unit of the San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge. Partnering with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the LCDC Sustainability Team restored native habitat to a critical location along the Sweetwater River, in the area known … Continued

Tijuana Estuary Tidal Restoration: Program I Phase 2

This project completed the feasibility and design studies for the second phase of salt marsh restoration at Border Field State Park in the south area of the Tijuana Estuary, involving approximately 480 acres.The Tijuana Estuary Tidal Restoration Program’s (TETRP) is a large multi-phased wetland restoration program involving up to 500 acres of restoration. Its primary … Continued

Tijuana Model Marsh Restoration

This project restored approximately 20 acres of intertidal salt marsh by excavating approximately 135,000 cubic yards of sediment. In order to re-create the variety of habitats usually present across the intertidal marsh plain, expand the area for wetland flora and fauna, and create a coastal habitat that can function similarly to a natural system, artificial … Continued

Tijuana River Valley Invasive Plant Control Program

This project developed a watershed-wide invasive plant control plan in the Tijuana River Valley and implemented the first phase of exotics removal. The Tijuana River Valley is in one of the most important biological sites in California. It includes Prime riparian and salt march habitats within a county regional park, a state park, and a … Continued

South San Diego Bay Coastal Wetland Restoration Project

This project restored approximately 300 acres of estuarine habitat in South San Diego Bay including the western salt ponds, the Chula Vista Wildlife Reserve, and Emory Cove. The project included excavation of degraded uplands to create intertidal and subtidal habitats, dredging former salt ponds to create tidal channels, breaching levees to restore tidal influence and … Continued

Famosa Slough Culvert Replacement

This project repaired a culvert at Famosa Slough to increase the tidal prism and yield an average of two additional horizontal feet in tidal inundation around the perimeter of the slough. The Famosa Slough is a 37-acre wetland located between Ocean Beach and the San Diego Sports Arena area. It is bisected by West Point … Continued

Famosa Slough Culvert Extension and Retrofit Design

This project prepared a feasibility study and design plans to reactivate an inoperable culvert between Famosa Channel and Famosa Slough to increase the tidal prism in the slough. The Famosa Slough is a 37-acre wetland located between Ocean Beach and the San Diego Sports Arena area. It is bisected by West Point Loma Boulevard and … Continued

Hanson Pond Acquisition, El Monte Valley

This project acquired 143.5 acres of wetland and upland habitat adjacent to the San Diego River in the El Monte Valley, San Diego County. Acquisition is part of an overall project called the El Monte Valley Nature Park which would restore 1,000 acres. The project is located along the San Diego River. The Pond is … Continued

San Dieguito Lagoon Wetland Acquisition

This project acquired 75 acres within the floodplain of the San Dieguito River, located east of and immediately adjacent to the 400-acre San Dieguito Wetland Restoration Project. The property borders the San Dieguito River on the north, is a natural extension of the Wetland Restoration Project expands the project to the most eastern physical boundary, … Continued

San Elijo Lagoon Acquisition Program

The San Elijo Lagoon Acquisition Program included acquisition of two properties along the margins of San Elijo Lagoon, for inclusion in the Ecological Reserve. The grantee acquired the 19 acre Manchester Property and the 17 acre Rancho Santa Fe. The purpose of the acquisition plan is to target properties that wasprimarily in the floodway of … Continued

San Elijo Lagoon Preliminary Sediment Quality Assessment

This project performed a preliminary assessment of sediment quality and depositional environment of the San Elijo Lagoon as the first step in a feasibility analysis of proposed dredging activities. It has been decades since San Elijo Lagoon was naturally connected to the Pacific Ocean. Human modifications to hydrology occurred at a rapid pace after the … Continued