San Juan Hydrologic Unit – Non-native Species Eradication Plan

This project developed a comprehensive program to remove non-native, invasive species from the San Juan Hydrologic Unit. The San Juan Hydrologic Unit (SJHU) is a generally trapezoidal-shaped area of 500 square miles in Orange, San Diego and Riverside Counties. This project included the SJHU area within Orange County, which is comprised of approximately half the … Continued

Upper Newport Bay Ecological Restoration Implementation

This project enacted plans to deepen sediment basins in the upper bay up to -20 ft below mean sea level by dredging channels to promote tidal circulation and limit predator access to sensitive areas, expanding mudflat habitat in several locations to compensate for mudflats lost to dredging, and creating wetlands and California Least Tern nesting … Continued

San Joaquin Marsh Enhancement – Phase I

This project enhanced approximately 50 acres of existing freshwater marsh habitat on the San Joaquin Freshwater Marsh Reserve. The project was part of an effort to restore the natural gradient found historically at Southern California coastal wetlands. The project was designed to restore some of the site’s most important natural characteristics which have been significantly … Continued

Big Canyon Creek Restoration Plan

This project completed final engineering and design work for the restoration plan for Big Canyon Creek, a tributary to Upper Newport Bay. The project addressed wetland habitat, water quality, drainage and hydrologic issues, storm drain problems, tidal wetland exchange needs, sedimentation, long-term system sustainability, and public access. The restoration plan also addressed drainage problems and … Continued

Huntington Beach Wetlands Acquisitions (3)

This project helped the Huntington Beach Wetlands Conservancy acquire three key wetland parcels in Orange County. -Edison Acquisition: Acquired a 20-acre parcel of the Huntington Beach wetlands adjacent to the power plant. -Piccirelli Acquisition: Acquired 45 acres of the Huntington Beach wetlands located on either side of Magnolia Avenue. -Brookhurst Marsh Acquisition: Acquired the final … Continued

Huntington Beach Wetlands Restoration Plan

This project prepared a comprehensive restoration plan for the entire Huntington Beach Central Park. The Huntington Beach Wetlands consist of 118 acres of restored wetlands habitat along the southern coastline of Huntington Beach. The Huntington Beach Wetlands Conservancy owns and manages these wetlands and continues to work hand-in-hand with the California Department of Fish and … Continued

East Garden Grove Wintersburg Channel Treatment

This project conducted a feasibility study for diverting up to six million gallons of flow per day from the East Garden Grove Winterburg Channel into treatment wetlands in Huntington Beach Central Park. The East Garden Grove-Wintersburg Channel (EGGWC) is an approximately 11.8 mile long regional floodcontrol facility in north/central Orange County. The EGGWC iscurrently the … Continued

Los Cerritos Wetlands Complex – Bryant Acquisition

This project acquired approximately 360 acres of the historic Los Cerritos Wetlands Complex, near the mouth of the San Gabriel River. The 87-acre Bryant Property is part of the Los Cerritos Wetlands complex located along the lower reach of the San Gabriel River, where the river mouth historically migrated back and forth across the coastal … Continued

Colorado Lagoon Restoration Planning Project

This project developed a restoration plan for Colorado Lagoon, a 44-acre saltwater lagoon connected to Alamitos Bay. The Colorado Lagoon is historically part of the greater Los Cerritos Wetlands. Once a thriving ecosystem that encompassed most of East Long Beach with borders that included portions of what is now California State University, Long Beach, the … Continued

Machado Lake Habitat Restoration Project

This project completed a series of technical studies for the development of final projects to improve habitats and water quality within and around Machado Lake. This project is located at the Ken Malloy Harbor Regional Park in the Harbor City and Wilmington communities of Los Angeles. The park is approximately 290 acres and contains the … Continued

DeForest-Dominguez Wetlands Restoration: Planning and Design

This project aimed to prepare a preliminary plan, environmental review document, and permits for creation of wetland and riparian habitat along approximately 1 mile of the east bank of the Los Angeles River. The project completed final design and engineering plans for wetland creation in the Market Street (also known as DeForest) and Dominguez Gap … Continued

El Dorado Wetlands Restoration Plan

This project prepared a plan to restore up to 20 acres of wetlands at the confluence of the San Gabriel River and Coyote Creek, adjacent to El Dorado Regional Park in Long Beach. A study was undertaken to determine the technological and biological feasibility of the restoration and treatment of wetlands and stream corridors in … Continued