San Elijo Lagoon Exotics Removal

This project removed exotic plants from approximately 2.4 acres along the southern edge of San Elijo Lagoon and replanted the area with native riparian and buffer species. The project area is one of several targeted for removal of exotic species int he San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy Action Plan, which the Coastal Conservancy adopted in May … Continued

San Elijo Lagoon Non-native Plant Management

This project developed and implemented a comprehensive removal and management plan for non-native, invasive plants found in the wetland and riparian habitats within the San Elijo Lagoon. San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy biologists trained volunteers in habitat restoration techniques, and then worked together to remove unwanted vegetation, plant natives, install protective fencing, and maintain trails to … Continued

San Elijo Lagoon Tidal Flushing Project

This project restored continuous tidal action to 415 acres of degraded salt marsh through the creation of an endowment to remove sand and cobble from the mouth of the lagoon on an ongoing basis. The endowment allows for selective dredging and filling to improve tidal circulation throughout the lagoon to restore tidal flushing. The San … Continued

Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit Riparian Habitat Restoration

This project removed non-native plant species, and restored riparian and select upland habitat areas in the Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit. This management unit is comprised of seven watershed districts in northern San Diego County where the following efforts have been taken: -Controlled invasive species throughout roughly 280 acres of riparian watershed areas encompassing Agua Hedionda Creek, … Continued

Batiquitos Lagoon Mitsuuchi Acquisition

This project assisted with acquisition of the 18.11-acre Mitsuuchi property, located immediately adjacent to Batiquitos Lagoon in the City of Carlsbad. The coastal lagoon is the site of a $55 million tidal restoration and habitatenhancement project that was completed in 1996, assisted by Conservancy planning grants. Conservancy financial support for the Mitsuuchi acquisition helped facilitate … Continued

Agua Hedionda Caulerpa Taxifolia Eradication Program

This project sought to survey and treat infestations of the invasive Caulerpa taxifolia (a non-native, aquarium strain of a highly invasive tropical algae with low light and cold tolerance that displaces native habitat and dependent species) in Agua Hedionda Lagoon, with the primary objective and fundamental goal to achieve full eradication. As the centerpiece of … Continued

Buena Vista Creek Watershed Plan

This project prepared a comprehensive watershed management plan for Buena Vista Creek. The Buena Vista Creek Watershed is the fourth-largest system within the Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit. The watershed extends approximately 10.60 miles inland from the coast and totals 14,437 acres in area, comprising 11% of the Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit. Buena Vista Creek originates on the … Continued

Buena Vista Creek Acquisition, Sherman Parcel

This project acquired approximately 133.8 acres of land along Buena Vista Creek. The Buena Vista Creek Ecological Reserve is 148 acre property. Habitats include Diegan coastal sage scrub, southern arroyo willow riparian forest, coastal and valley freshwater marsh, and non-native grasslands. Several bird species are present. The property comprises part of an important habitat linkage … Continued

Buena Vista Lagoon Restoration Plan, Feasibility Analysis

This project evaluated enhancement options for Buena Vista Lagoon, including the feasibility of establishing tidal flushing within the lagoon. Buena Vista Lagoon (Lagoon) receives wet and dry weather input from the Buena Vista Creek Watershed. Typical sources of discharges from Buena Vista Creek include stormwater runoff and subsurface runoff under wet weather conditions during storms, … Continued

San Luis Rey River Arundo Removal

This project implemented a programmatic, comprehensive watershed-based effort to remove Arundo donax from over 450 acres along the San Luis Rey River and its tributaries by working from the top of the watershed down. The San Luis Rey River watershed is 359,000 acres, originating in the Palomar Mountains and reaching the ocean at the City … Continued

Upper Sulphur Creek Restoration Project

This project restored 28 acres of wildlife habitat to native wetland, transitional and scrub plant communities along 1.7 miles of Upper Sulphur Creek, including removal of 3,600 feet of concrete channel to create a wider, soft-bottom stream channel. The goal of this project was to enable the City of Laguna Niguel to restore approximately 7,900 … Continued

Upper Newport Bay Ecological Restoration, Final Design

This project prepared final design and engineering plans for an ecological restoration project that will dredge 2.1 million cubic yards of sediment from Upper Newport Bay. The project addressed the impacts of habitat conversion resulting from sedimentation in the upper bay by dredging 2.1 million cubic yards of sediment and enhancing salt marsh and mudflat … Continued