Buena Vista Lagoon Enhancement Project: 65% Design and Engineering Plans

The overall goals of the Buena Vista Lagoon Enhancement Project are to address sedimentation and invasive vegetation encroachment, as well as declining coastal biodiversity, degrading water quality, water circulation restriction, and increased vector concerns. The Buena Vista Lagoon is a 220-acre State Ecological Reserve that supports 8 state and federally listed threatened/ endangered wildlife and … Continued

San Joaquin Marsh Hydrology & Climate Adaptation Feasibility and Planning

The University of California, Irvine manages the UC Irvine San Joaquin Marsh Reserve, an approximately 200 acre wetland that is a remnant of a more extensive fresh to brackish water marsh ecosystem in coastal Orange County. Agricultural and urban development in Irvine during the 20th century drained shallow water aquifers, severed hydrological connections, concentrated water … Continued

Santa Margarita River Fish Passage and Bridge Replacement: Final Design

This fish passage project on the Santa Margarita River, located two miles north of Fallbrook in north San Diego County, addresses a principal threat to endangered Southern California steelhead. This project will provide final design plans to remove an aging flood-prone box culvert structure that is a fish passage barrier, and replace it with a … Continued

Redondo Beach: Power Plant to Park Acquisition and Planning

The City of Redondo Beach is pursuing an acquisition of approximately 30 acres within the City’s coastal zone, including 25 acres located within the AES Power Plant site and an adjacent 5.29 acre parcel of Southern California Edison (SCE)-owned property. The project area is comprised of industrial hardscape from power plant operations, wetlands, and disturbed … Continued

Big Canyon Creek Restoration and Estuary Adaptation Project: Phase 3 Final Design and Permitting

Big Canyon Nature Park, located between Jamboree Road and Back Bay Drive, has been degraded by numerous well documented impacts and requires habitat restoration and enhancement to improve the site’s biological productivity and ecological function. Big Canyon Nature Park has been subjected to the effects of water quality degradation from upstream development and selenium-laden groundwater … Continued

Aliso Creek Estuary Restoration Plan: 30% Design & Permitting

The Aliso Creek Estuary is a small, intermittently open estuary that drains a 30-square mile, mostly urbanized watershed in south Orange County. Aliso Creek once drained to the ocean through a broad estuary with expansive wetlands but has suffered habitat loss from development of a parking lot for Aliso Beach Park, modified hydrology, and poor … Continued

Coal Oil Point Reserve Coastal Access and Habitat Restoration: Phase 3

Within Coal Oil Point Reserve (COPR) is 170 acres of a variety of linked coastal habitats including a salt marsh, a vernal pool, a fresh-water pond, dune swales, an estuary, dunes, grasslands, and coastal scrub.The reserve has several rare, threatened, or endangered species such as Tidewater Goby, Western Snowy Plover, and Belding’s Savanah Sparrow. Some … Continued

Los Cerritos Wetlands Southern Area Planning and Permitting

Until the late 1800s, the Los Cerritos Wetlands Complex spanned approximately 2,400 acres and consisted of a network of meandering streams, vegetated wetlands, and upland areas. Most of the historic wetlands have been filled, lost or degraded, primarily because of oil extraction, channelization of the San Gabriel River, and construction of a cooling channel for … Continued

Los Angeles River Taylor Yard: Implementation Plan

The Los Angeles River Taylor Yard project will create an Implementation Plan for the 42-acre Taylor Yard G2 River Park property. The Taylor Yard property has often been referred to as “The Crown Jewel” of the Los Angeles River revitalization. Due to its size, context, and potential for restoration, the Taylor Yard G2 River Park … Continued

Hanson Floodplain Restoration

The Santa Clara River is one of the least altered river systems in all of California, with relatively natural flows and without significant channelization. The river flows over 100 miles from the San Gabriel Mountains in Los Angeles County westward across Ventura County and meets the Pacific Ocean near the City of Ventura. Due to … Continued

Tijuana Estuary Tidal Restoration Program II: Phase I restoration design

The Tijuana Estuary Tidal Restoration Program II (TETRP II): Phase I Design is the first phase of a multi-phase restoration of the southern arm of Tijuana Estuary, San Diego County, California. TETRP II Phase I builds upon the conceptual restoration plan developed for the Tijuana Estuary – Friendship Marsh Restoration Feasibility and Design Study. The … Continued