What is WRAMP?

The Wetland and Riparian Area Monitoring Plan (WRAMP) is a framework and toolset developed by statewide technical teams based on the three categories of wetland monitoring data defined by the USEPA.

The WRAMP toolset includes standard methods for developing the three categories of data below:

  • Level 2: Rapid, field-based assessments of overall wetland condition and stress, relative to the best achievable conditions.
      • The primary Level 2 tool is the California Rapid Assessment Method (CRAM). CRAM is used to rapidly assess the ambient conditions of wetlands and streams as well as the performance of mitigation or restoration projects. CRAM is a cost-effective and scientifically defensible method for trained practitioners to assess the overall health of their particular stream or wetland.

A comprehensive monitoring program should utilize the WRAMP Framework and existing Level 1-2-3 tools as much as possible.