Location: Los Angeles County, Orange County
Project Type: Science and Monitoring
Status: Current
Cost: $1,276,336
Funding Gap: $856,738
Area Affected: 1.02 acres
Assembly District: 70
Senate District: 33
Congressional District: 47
Project Lead/Grantee:
Orange County Coastkeeper, Claire Arre (Claire@coastkeeper.org)
Newport Bay and Alamitos Bay are both highly impacted and urbanized estuaries located in Orange County in Southern California. Historical documents indicate the presence of native Olympia oyster (Ostrea lurida) beds and extensive eelgrass beds in the two estuaries, but a history of urbanization, harvest, and dredging has several impacted the two species. Additionally, increased rates of sea level rise and restricted upslope migration may limit long-term viability of these habitats.