Location: Los Angeles County
Project Type: Restoration Planning
Status: Current
Cost: $1,300,000
Funding Gap: $1,300,000
Area Affected: 5.5 acres
Project Footprint: 4,500 feet stream miles
Assembly District: 50
Senate District: 27
Congressional District: 33
Project Lead/Grantee:
Santa Monica Mountains Resource Conservation District, Rosi Dagit (rdagit@rcdsmm.org)
The Trancas Creek Watershed (8.7 square miles) is a small coastal creek draining into the western end of the Santa Monica Bay. Prior to the Woolsey Fire (2018), Trancas Creek had good to excellent spawning and rearing habitat for endangered southern steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and has been identified as a priority for restoration by the Santa Monica Mountains Steelhead Habitat Assessment (CalTrout 2006) and the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area General Management Plan (2002). CalTrout (2006) identified the Los Angeles County flood control channels installed to protect the Malibu West Development in the 1960’s as the keystone fish passage barrier. The county is conducting post fire analysis that will contribute to the development of restoration strategies.
The proposed project will build upon the Trancas Lagoon Restoration Feasiblity Study (Dagit et al. 2015) and result in construction-ready design and environmental documents needed to set the stage for implementation of fish passage restoration. This project will complete hydrologic modeling studies to develop construction, CEQA and permitting documents for restoring fish passage through the flood control channels in Trancas Creek.