Project Type: Restoration, Restoration Planning
Status: Current
Habitat Type: tidal wetlands
Cost: 550,000
Area Affected: 195 acres
Project Footprint: 35 acres
Assembly District: 73
Senate District: 36
Congressional District: 49
Project Lead/Grantee: Trout Unlimited
Project Lead Website: www.southcoasttu.com/san-juan-creek-estuary-project.html
The San Juan Creek Estuary Restoration and Enhancement Planning Project entails the planning and future implementation of estuarine and riparian habitat restoration and enhancement activities to address limiting factors to southern steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and tidewater goby (Eucyclogobius newberryi) migration within the San Juan Creek estuary and lower watershed such as lack of high flow refugia, elevated summer water temperatures caused by the absence of shading, invasive plant species, and low dissolved oxygen / hypoxia due to eutrophic conditions caused by algae buildup and restricted tidal exchange.
The proposed project would entail completion of a feasibility study, conceptual and preliminary design, and advanced / final design of potential restoration and enhancement alternatives for the San Juan Creek Estuary and lower watershed channels. The feasibility study element of the proposed project* would evaluate and analyze technical and regulatory constraints and opportunities as well as cost and constructability, and determine viable permitting pathways for the eventual implementation of the preferred alternative. Building upon the feasibility study the next stage of proposed project would entail development of all necessary models (e.g., hydrologic and sediment transport models, etc.) to inform the design alternatives and then evaluate alternative design performance under a range of climate and future development scenarios. Project deliverables would include up to 60% engineering design suitable for CEQA authorization and regulatory permit application submittals. The project would also involve the formation of a technical advisory committee to steer the project design and implementation and develop an adaptive management and monitoring program for long term site management.