Location: San Diego County
Project Type: Restoration
Status: Completed
Habitat Type: Freshwater Wetland, Public Access/Recreation, Riparian
Cost: $1,165,000
Area Affected: 225 acres
Assembly District: 79
Senate District: 39
Congressional District: 53
Project Lead/Grantee:
Friends of Rose Canyon, Debby Knight (rosecanyon@san.rr.com)
This project will implement recommendations of the Rose Creek Watershed Opportunities Assessment including completing a watershed-wide hydrologic study, planning for creation of wetlands at the mouth of Rose Creek, and designing trail linkages.
The watershed assessment compiled existing information about the watershed and identification of gaps in information, identified current management practices in the watershed, analyzed the general hydrology of the watershed, mapped exotic plant species, identified habitat restoration opportunities, and identified public access/trail opportunities.