Restoration of Riparian Habitat in the Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit

Location: San Diego County

Project Type: Restoration

Status: Completed

Date Completed: 2013

Cost: $5,460,000

Area Affected: 880 acres

Assembly District: 76,75

Senate District: 38

Congressional District: 49,50

This was a comprehensive program to remove non-native plant species and restore riparian and select upland habitat areas in the Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit (CHU), northern San Diego County. The project re-established hydrological and ecological functions of the riparian and coastal wetland habitats within the CHU through the removal of invasive, non-native pest plants over large areas. Areas that were cleared of invasive species were then replanted with native plant species. This program also established reliable mechanisms for long-term maintenance. This program was modeled after the San Luis Rey invasive plant eradicaiton, which has been a model for subsequent invasive plant eradication programs in the County.