Location: Ventura County
Project Type: Acquisition
Status: Completed
Cost: $48,000,000
Area Affected: 550 acres
Assembly District: 37, 45
Senate District: 19, 28
Congressional District: 24, 27
Project Lead/Grantee:
California State Coastal Conservancy (Chris Kroll, 510-286-4165)
The restoration of the historic Ormond Beach wetlands requires the acquisition of 1,100 acres. Only 250 acres of degraded wetlands remain of what was a unique coastal wetland in southern California. In June 2002, the Coastal Conservancy acquired 265 acres formerly owned by Southern California Edison. In June 2006, the Nature Conservancy completed purchase, with state funding, of 276 acres from Metropolitan Water District (MWD). The next priority acquisition is the 340-acre Sod Farm property.