Location: San Diego County
Project Type: Restoration
Status: Completed
Habitat Type: Riparian
Date Completed: 08/31/2018
Cost: $30,000
Area Affected: 1 acres
Project Footprint: 0.04 stream miles
Assembly District: 80
Senate District: 40
Congressional District: 51
Project Lead/Grantee:
The Ocean Foundation (Frances Kinney; frances@oceanconnectors.org)
The Tides Center/Marine Education Project in prior years has conducted an Environmental Leader Internship Program that trains ethnically diverse cohorts of college students as Environmental Leaders to prepare and lead programs. This proposed project funded interns to train high school students from diverse and underserved communities in Orange County to participate in the restoration project while learning about coastal wetland ecology. This restoration project will also increase habitat for the endangered least Bell’s vireo. Individuals of this species had been observed nearby to the proposed restoration site within the last three years but no active nests have been indicated by professional monitors. Restoration of this habitat will create nesting opportunities for this species. Also, this project increased the amount and extent of riparian habitat, which is being depleted regionally by a boring beetle, the Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer.