Location: Ventura County
Project Type: Restoration Planning
Status: Current
Cost: $3,500,000
Project Footprint: 17 stream miles
Assembly District: 37
Senate District: 19
Congressional District: 26
Project Lead/Grantee:
Ventura County Watershed Protection District (805-654-2069)
Matilija Dam, located on the Ventura River, is a 168-foot high concrete arch dam built in 1947 for water storage. The reservoir behind Matilija Dam is almost filled in with sediment, significantly reducing storage capacity to the point of rendering the dam nonfunctional. With no fish ladder or bypass structure present, it is a complete barrier to the migration of endangered Southern California steelhead. Dam removal will reconnect access to critical steelhead habitat and help with the recovery of steelhead in Southern California.
The Matilija Dam Ecosystem Restoration Program: 65% Design will develop restoration designs and engineering plans to remove Matilija Dam in a manner that would reduce the impact of impounded sediment while minimizing costs and time associated with sediment removal. This project includes field investigations, a dam removal feasibility study (10% design), independent technical review, 30% and 65% project design, update of the Real Estate Plan, CEQA/NEPA compliance, a project permitting plan, and associated design oversight and stakeholder meetings. Preparation of the 65% Design and Planning will provide the needed basis to take designs to 100% through other federal, state, and local funding opportunities.