Location: Los Angeles County
Project Type: Restoration
Status: Removed
Habitat Type: Exotics Control, Interpretive/Education, Riparian
Cost: $350,000
Area Affected: 263 acres
Project Footprint: 89,683 feet stream miles
Assembly District: 50
Senate District: 27
Congressional District: 33
Project Lead/Grantee:
Mountains Restoration Trust (Rachel Burnap, 818-591-1701)
This project will continue to implement the recommendations from the Lower Malibu Creek and Lagoon Resource Enhancement and Management Study (2000) through enhancement of riparian corridor in the Malibu Creek Watershed.
Goals include the comprehensive removal of Arundo donax and other non-native plant species, the enhancement of wetland biodiversity through revegetation with native plant species, and the education and engagement of the public through volunteer restoration events.
Since 1984, MRT has focused on the preservation of the biodiversity of the Cold Creek Watershed. Cold Creek is a tributary of Malibu Creek and, like Malibu Creek, was a steelhead stream before the Rindge Dam blocked access to the upper reaches of Malibu Creek and its tributaries. Recognizing the reduced function of Malibu Creek as a steelhead stream and life support system for wildlife, MRT decided on a 10-year course of action.
A number of federally or state-listed species depend on riparian zones in the Malibu Creek Watershed for all or portions of their life cycles; ten invertebrates, two fish, two amphibians, eight reptiles, twenty-three birds, six mammals, and five plants that are federally and/or state-listed as threatened, endangered, or candidate species may occur there.