Location: San Diego County
Project Type: Acquisition
Status: Completed
Habitat Type: Acquisition, coastal wetland
Date Completed: 02/01/2017
Cost: $1,600,000
Area Affected: 3.56 acres
Assembly District: 76
Senate District: 36
Congressional District: 49
Project Lead/Grantee:
Buena Vista Audubon Society (Ann Van Leer, 858-442-0937)
The Buena Vista Audubon Society (BVAS) has secured a purchase agreement for $1.55 million on the 3.56-acre MacHutchin property directly adjacent to the Buena Vista Lagoon in the City of Oceanside. BVAS will secure fee title to these last remnants of the coastal lagoon, home to various marsh, open water and shoreline species including such federally endangered species as the light-footed Ridgway’s rail and the California least tern. The property has previously been proposed for a hotel, residential and commercial uses. After acquisition, these parcels will be restored by the BVAS to serve as enhanced wetlands and an ecological buffer between the lagoon and adjacent development.
This project was selected for funding at the December 2015 Board of Governors meeting.