Location: Los Angeles County
Project Type: Acquisition
Status: Current
Cost: $2,800,000
Funding Gap: $0
Area Affected: 18 acres
Assembly District: 70
Senate District: 34
Congressional District: 47
Project Lead/Grantee:
Los Cerritos Wetlands Authority
This project is the second phase to acquire the remaining 17 acres of the 87-acre Bryant Property, which is part of the approximately 500-acre Los Cerritos Wetlands Complex. As late as the 1920’s, the Los Cerritos Wetlands covered approximately 1,500 acres. However, channelization of the river for commercial and residential development, and extensive use for oil extraction and production over the last several decades, has reduced the footprint and health of the wetlands significantly. The majority of the remaining 500-acre wetland complex falls on three privately-owned properties referred to as the Bixby, Bryant and Hellman properties.
The Bryant Property is located in the City of Long Beach, south of Westminster Avenue and east of Studebaker Road. The property has been an active oil field for several decades and currently contains twelve active oil wells and associated pipelines, roads, and buildings. The historic wetlands on the property have been filled and degraded, primarily due to the oil production activities and have a high restoration need.
The Los Cerritos Wetlands provide valuable habitat to several species. Eighty-nine bird species have been recorded using the area, including forty-eight water associated bird species. Special status species occurring in the Los Cerritos Wetlands include Belding’s Savannah sparrow, California least tern, Loggerhead shrike, Western snowy plover, and many others. The site benefits from a very active and support public community of bird and wetland lovers.