Location: Los Angeles County
Project Type: Restoration, Restoration Planning
Status: Current
Cost: $2,000,000
Area Affected: 42.6 acres
Assembly District: 51
Senate District: 24
Congressional District: 28
Project Lead/Grantee:
City of Los Angeles, Katie Doherty, P.E. (katherine.doherty@lacity.org)
The Los Angeles River Taylor Yard project will create an Implementation Plan for the 42-acre Taylor Yard G2 River Park property. The Taylor Yard property has often been referred to as “The Crown Jewel” of the Los Angeles River revitalization. Due to its size, context, and potential for restoration, the Taylor Yard G2 River Park will be the largest and most significant river restoration project along the LA River to date. The site is situated in the center of the LA Basin and in the middle of the Los Angeles River as it winds through Los Angeles County.
The City of Los Angeles is developing the Implementation Plan for the Taylor Yard G2 River Park now. The City has convened a robust team to develop the plan that includes the Coastal Conservancy, Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy, California Department of Parks and Recreation (State Parks), US Army Corps, and various NGOs, and elected officials. The proposed planning effort will include: (1) a plan for safe near-term (prior to permanent use) public access; (2) a plan for long-term access, use and management responsibilities; (3) a revised Remedial Action Program (RAP); (4 )public engagement and involvement, particularly from the surrounding communities; (5) three buildable, scalable, phase-able design concepts that accommodate public access, habitat restoration consistent with the ARBOR Study and compatible recreation; (6) a project financing plan outlining interim to permanent use options; (7) a plan for long-term operations and maintenance; and (8) a plan for construction of first phase of the Taylor Yard River Park within five years. In addition, as part of the proposed project, the City will install fencing and signage to secure the site and protect public safety during the planning process.