Ellwood Marine Terminal Restoration

Location: Santa Barbara County

Project Type: Restoration, Restoration Planning

Status: Current

Habitat Type: transition zone, upland

Cost: $13,050,000

Funding Gap: $1,000,000

Project Footprint: 19 acres

Assembly District: 37

Senate District: 19

Congressional District: 24

Project Lead/Grantee:
Cheadle Center for Biodiversity and Ecological Restoration (Lisa Stratton, stratton@ccber.ucsb.edu)

Ellwood Marine Terminal is a 19 acre site that will be restored to historic landforms after removal of tanks, pipes, buildings, and the soil is remediated and regraded. The area will restore the high point on Ellwood Mesa and reconnect the natural seep to the Dune Pond and vernal pools. Plant communities to be restored include a seasonal wetland, perennial native grassland, vernal pools, coastal sage scrub, oak woodland and mixed woodland. Benches will be installed along an overlook trail to invite the public to this open space. A working relationship with coastal members of the Chumash will be maintained to allow for ceremonies and gatherings in support of their cultural revitalization.