Location: Santa Barbara County
Project Type: Restoration Planning
Status: Completed
Cost: $160,000
Area Affected: 225 acres
Assembly District: 37
Senate District: 19
Congressional District: 24
Project Lead/Grantee:
Santa Barbara County Planning and Development Department
This project completed amendments to the Devereux Slough/Ellwood Mesa Regional Plan for the University of California, Santa Barbara, including both county and privately-owned land.
Devereux Slough is a seasonally tidal estuary that is impounded most of the year by a sand barrier. Devereux Slough is a critical ecological feature of Coal Oil Point Reserve that supports a large abundance and diversity of species including several endangered birds, fish, and plants. The Devereux Slough is a relatively small system (50 acres) and is owned and managed by the University of California’s Natural Reserve System, Coal Oil Point Reserve.