Location: Los Angeles County
Project Type: Restoration Planning
Status: Completed
Habitat Type: Riparian, Tidal Wetland
Cost: $150,000
Project Footprint: 1.5 stream miles
Assembly District: 55
Senate District: 25
Congressional District: 47
Project Lead/Grantee:
Long Beach Department of Parks, Recreation and Marine (Dennis Eschen, 562-570-3130)
This project aimed to prepare a preliminary plan, environmental review document, and permits for creation of wetland and riparian habitat along approximately 1 mile of the east bank of the Los Angeles River.
The project completed final design and engineering plans for wetland creation in the Market Street (also known as DeForest) and Dominguez Gap storm water retention basins along the Los Angeles River. The project would create two miles of wetland and related habitat along the Los Angeles River. The Market Street/DeForest and Dominguez Gap projects are separate but related wetland restoration projects. Department of Public Works was the lead agency for the Dominguez Gap project and the City of Long Beach (Long Beach) was the lead agency for the Market Street/DeForest project, but Department of Public Works oversaw design development for both projects.