Location: Orange County
Project Type: Acquisition
Status: Current
Habitat Type: salt marsh, Tidal Wetland
Cost: 71,067
Funding Gap: 61,067
Area Affected: 3 acres
Project Footprint: 1.3 acres
Assembly District: 74
Senate District: 37
Congressional District: 48
Project Lead/Grantee:
Orange Coast River Park (Dennis Baker, dennis.baker@ocriverpark.org)
The Orange Coast River Park aims to acquire Bitter Point Salt Marsh, which includes 1.3 acres of intertidal and upland salt marsh habitat. The proposed area is adjacent to a city-owned parcel of salt marsh. Once Bitter Point Salt Marsh is acquired, the degraded habitat will be enhanced and restored. The site is currently private-owned and has a willing seller. Historically, the habitat was part of the Santa Ana River mouth coastal wetland system. The area was used by pleasure craft boat users to navigate towards Newport Harbor. During times of floods, silt was brought into Newport Bay and it began to fill in, and during the construction of Pacific Coast Highway, construction rubble was dumped onto the site, today, the area is degraded. Future restoration activities will include invasive plant removal, native plant establishment, and possible thin-layer placement of dredge material to raise the elevation of the site. The City of Newport Beach will be the ultimate owner and long-term manager of the site. In addition to the acquisition of the site, Orange Coast River Park plans to establish a community-based restoration and stewardship program, a community science advisory board, and provide site access to colleges for field trips and research.