Location: Santa Barbara County
Project Type: Restoration Planning
Status: Removed
Habitat Type: Erosion/Sedimentation, Exotics Control, Riparian
Cost: $270,000
Area Affected: 6 acres
Project Footprint: 0.4 stream miles
Assembly District: 35
Senate District: 18
Congressional District: 24
Project Lead/Grantee: City of Santa Barbara (805-963-0611)
Project Lead Website: www.santabarbaraca.gov/
This project developed conceptual design plans and performed a constraints and feasibility analysis for the restoration of approximately 2,000 feet of Arroyo Burro Creek in the City of Santa Barbara.
A major goal of this project was to ensure that the process follows a community consensus-based approach. Project leaders at the City of Santa Barbara solicited public input and established a community restoration working group in order to complete the creek restoration plans. Implementation of this project occurred within the context of the Arroyo Burro visioning process and the City’s efforts to develop creek guidelines for restoration and stormwater treatment, as well as a broader watershed restoration plan for Arroyo Burro.