Location: Orange County
Project Type: Restoration Planning
Status: Current
Habitat Type: Freshwater Wetland, Tidal Wetland
Cost: $954,920
Area Affected: 6 acres
Project Footprint: 1,524 feet stream miles
Assembly District: 70
Senate District: 33
Congressional District: 48
Project Lead/Grantee: Laguna Ocean Foundation (Ed Almanza, 949-499-9704)
Project Lead Website: www.lagunaoceanfoundation.org/
This project takes the first step toward restoration of a fully functional estuary for Aliso Creek. It will develop a Conceptual Restoration Plan to restore coastal wetland habitats designed to support a wide range of fish and wildlife, including listed species. The Conceptual Restoration Plan will be developed through a stakeholder-driven process that builds consensus for restoration and identifies objectives, constraints and feasible design alternatives.
The principal obstacle to restoration of the Aliso Estuary is lack of a feasible project description. This project’s goal is to develop a feasible Conceptual Restoration Plan through a consensus process that gains the support of local landowners, local agencies and other stakeholders, guided by the expertise of skilled restoration ecologists. The major product will be a CEQA/NEPA-ready plan, with strong local support that is well-positioned to seek funding for implementation. The following products are anticipated: (1) Conceptual Restoration Plan and (2) Implementation Plan.
Restoration of a functional estuary at Aliso Creek will provide a regionally significant link between coastal and terrestrial habitat reserves, enhancing and protecting the diversity and viability of the linked systems.