Santiago Creek Arundo Control and Habitat Restoration

This project will remove approximately 140 acres of Arundo donax and associated invasive species to recover native habitat and wildlife in three areas of Orange County’s Santa Ana River Watershed. This effort will further Orange County’s restoration efforts in Santiago Creek, Carbon Creek, and the lower Santa Ana Canyon. The Santa Ana Watershed Association has … Continued

Riparian Enhancement at Audubon Starr Ranch Sanctuary

This project will implement an innovative, ecosystem scale approach to enhancement efforts in Bell Creek, an important riparian corridor within the San Juan Creek Watershed at the 4,000-acre Audubon Starr Ranch Sanctuary. Project leaders will conduct riparian wildlife monitoring that might serve as a model for a new “hybrid ecosystem” approach which uses wildlife as … Continued

Orange Coast River Park

This project will develop and implement an action strategy for the Orange Coast River Park, a 1000 acre mosaic of wetland, riparian, and upland habitats along the lower three miles of the Santa Ana River. It is envisioned that the Orange Coast River Park would extend up the east side of the Santa Ana River … Continued

Newport Valley Habitat Restoration

As part of their Marine Education Project, the Community-Based Restoration and Education Program through the California Coastal Commission engages the public to restore the native biodiversity of Upper Newport Bay. In the Newport Valley restoration site, the Community-Based Restoration and Education Program seeks to eradicate invasive plants and install native plants to support the restoration … Continued

Mission Lagoon and Laguna Creek Restoration Project

The Mission Lagoon and Laguna Creek Restoration Project is a multi-year effort to restore important habitats and ecosystem functions to a regionally important coastal wetland. This project will carry out parts of the conceptual design plan and associated technical studies that have been completed for the three project areas. The next phase, final planning and … Continued

Maria Ygnacio Aijian Barrier Removal

This project will remove barriers to fish passage in Maria Ygnacio Creek. The project will implement engineered designs that call for several improvements to the creek: removal of a low flow crossing, regrading of the stream channel, installation of engineered stream bed material, installation of a new clear span bridge, and restoration with native riparian … Continued

Malibu Creek Comprehensive Restoration

This project will continue to implement the recommendations from the Lower Malibu Creek and Lagoon Resource Enhancement and Management Study (2000) through enhancement of riparian corridor in the Malibu Creek Watershed. Goals include the comprehensive removal of Arundo donax and other non-native plant species, the enhancement of wetland biodiversity through revegetation with native plant species, … Continued

Los Cerritos Wetlands: Conceptual Restoration Plan

This project will prepare a conceptual restoration plan for the Los Cerritos Wetlands. The project will include an assessment of existing resources, hydrologic analysis, identification of opportunities and constraints, an evaluation of alternatives for expanding tidal circulation and restoring fresh and brackish water wetlands. The plan is scheduled to be completed early 2014. Goals include: … Continued

Coal Oil Point Reserve Coastal Access and Habitat Restoration: Phase 1 and 2

This project will implement the restoration plan included in the Coal Oil Point Reserve Management Plan. The project will remove exotic plant species, revegetate habitat areas and develop a monitoring protocol for seasonally tidal wetlands. The project includes restoration of uplands adjacent to the Devereux Slough. The Coal Oil Point Reserve is a University-owned coastal … Continued

Arroyo Burro Creek Restoration at Las Positas

This project developed conceptual design plans and performed a constraints and feasibility analysis for the restoration of approximately 2,000 feet of Arroyo Burro Creek in the City of Santa Barbara. A major goal of this project was to ensure that the process follows a community consensus-based approach. Project leaders at the City of Santa Barbara … Continued