Arroyo Burro Watershed Enhancement Project

The Santa Barbara County Weed Management Area (SBCWMA) worked to remove pampas grass, Cortaderia selloana, from Elings Park, along the right-of-way on Las Positas Road at Portesuello Road, and along Cliff Drive adjacent to Elings Park. The removal of pampas grass will protect and enhance coastal natural habitat, increase native plant habitat and increase coastal … Continued

Alhambra Oasis Project

Amigos de los Rios formed an “Equipo del Oasis – Oasis Team” of local residents to: learn about riparian ecosystems, train in riparian habitat restoration, and organize “Conozca a su Vecino Natural Know Your Natural Neighbor” community clean up and planting days to initiate restoration at the confluence of Alhambra Wash and the Rio Hondo. … Continued

Las Virgenes Creek Restoration

Mountains Restoration Trust and the Steeplechase Homeowners Association will build community stewardship while restoring wetland and riparian habitat along Las Virgenes Creek in the Malibu Creek watershed. Steeplechase HOA has committed funds and participation. Another six (6) adjoining condominium homeowners associations are expected to participate in the stewardship program. Based on attendance at previous Las … Continued

Mission Canyon Cape Ivy Eradication Project

This project will eliminate infestations of Cape Ivy, Kikuyu Grass, and other non-native plants that have established near the terminus of the Santa Barbara water tunnel in upper Mission Canyon, through several rounds of manual weeding over the course of two years. The Santa Barbara Urban Creeks Council will reach out to their mailing list … Continued

Santiago Park Nature Reserve Restoration

The project will complete a service learning habitat restoration program for one year at Santiago Park Nature Reserve. Monthly volunteer events will be held at the Reserve, at which local students and community members will remove invasive, non-native species, seed and plant appropriate native plant species, and monitor the habitat. Community members and student volunteers … Continued

Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve North Shore Restoration

This project will implement the first phase of an envisioned multi-phased wetland, riparian, and Coastal Sage habitat restoration program within Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve. Restoration includes replacing invasive eucalyptus trees with Torrey Pine and other more appropriate native California coastal trees to create better nesting habitat for native birds. Participants in this project are expected … Continued

Watershed Avengers at Swan Canyon

Watershed Avengers will improve habitat quality, transforming degraded canyons into healthy places while protecting local downstream wetlands habitats. This project, which will restore 4.87 acres of habitat in Swan Canyon, will be completed with a combination of contracted restoration and volunteer work from the local community.

Bolsa Chica Dune Habitat Enhancement

This project plans to expand dune habitat at the Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve, including the rare dune plant Coastal Wooly Head. In addition, the project will increase nesting and foraging areas for the endangered California Least Terns, threatened Western Snowy Plovers, and other migrating resident shorebirds and waterfowl. The initiative’s goal is three-fold: (1) remove … Continued

Ormond Beach Native Plant Restoration

The goal of this project is to improve the quality of a Coastal Freshwater/ Brackish Marsh and bordering back dune area at Ormond Beach as an experiential education tool for local elementary school and college groups. Depending upon the class level, students will be involved in different aspects of the restoration process including permitting, habitat … Continued

UCSB Campus Lagoon Salt Marsh Restoration

This project integrates restoration and access projects along the NE shoreline of Campus Lagoon by restoring a 1000 foot (3/4 acre) strip of iceplant to saltmarsh and coastal sage scrub. UCSB will collaborate with REEF to provide improved access to educational view points and sample collection areas, as well as incorporating restoration activities into its … Continued