Location: Los Angeles County
Project Type: Restoration
Status: Completed
Habitat Type: Erosion/Sedimentation, Exotics Control, fish passage, Freshwater Wetland, Interpretive/Education, Public Access/Recreation, Riparian
Cost: $4,216,000
Area Affected: 30 acres
Assembly District: 50
Senate District: 27
Congressional District: 33
Project Lead/Grantee:
Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains
This project implements the 2002 Topanga Creek Watershed and Lagoon Restoration Feasibility Study by restoring riparian and lagoon habitats and improving fish passage in Topanga Creek and Lagoon. This is a multi-phased program that will be implemented over several years and in partnership with multiple agencies, particularly California State Parks.
The primary goals of the program are to: 1. Restore habitat at identified priority locations in order to increase benefits to the endangered steelhead trout and tidewater goby, as well as other aquatic species of special concern in the watershed, 2. Improve passage opportunities for steelhead trout and extend the reach of creek providing suitable habitat for spawning and rearing, 3. Identify ways to improve sediment transport and delivery in order to enhance conditions in the creek and restore beach nourishment opportunities, 4. Improve water quality in all areas of the watershed where impairments have been identified, and 5. Continue monitoring of water quality, sediment loads, stream bank condition and target species populations in order to identify population trends related to restoration actions.